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Amazon Affiliate Link

Apr 16, 2020 | Affiliate Marketing, Branded Links, JotURL, Tracking Links

More and more people are taking advantage of Affiliate Marketing to increase their earnings. It’s not so uncommon for users to get an Amazon Affiliate Link to start making money by sponsoring one or multiple products.

If you want to know everything about how to create an Amazon Affiliate Link this is the article for you.

Let’s start with order.

What are affiliate Links?

Affiliate links, in a nutshell, are URLs that have been assigned an ID.

The ID is used to track a specific link.

This unique link is assigned to an affiliate in order to record and track his ID and activity.

If the affiliate manages to promote the affiliate link getting a lot of visits and conversions he will be paid based on his work.

This brings a whole series of advantages for the brand that manages the affiliate program and also for the affiliate.

The brand promotes its product and gets money based on how many people buy the product advertised by the affiliate link.

Affiliate gets money based on how much the brand earns, so he has an incentive to promote the product as much as possible.

This leads to a cycle of productivity and profit which is beneficial for both parties and is at the base of all associates program!

So if a visitor clicks your affiliate links and starts a conversion the affiliate will be paid and rewarded for what he has achieved.

This is the basis of Affiliate Marketing.

Amazon also works with this system, it provides an Amazon Affiliate Link to some user so they can both get some benefits.

How do you get an Amazon Affiliate Link?

First you need to register with Amazon and create an Account Amazon Associates.

You can obtain the Account for free and very quickly!

Once you have filled in the form, you can get your Amazon Affiliate Link.

Before creating an Amazon Affiliate Link we advise you to read this informations, you can find this text on the Amazon website. You can read very important comunication for Amazon Associates.

As soon as you feel ready click: “Join Now”

First you need to carefully select the account and make sure your details are correct.

Secondly, you can enter the URL of your website or app on Mobile.

All these data are used to provide all the information necessary to identify you and start the associates program.

You will also need to provide the phone number, the payment method you intend to get money and how you intend to manage your traffic.

Continue to answer all fields, complete your profile and finally complete the registration.

Remember that your Account will remain active for 180 days, after this period of time you will end the associates program with Amazon.

Once every steps of the registration is finished you can create an Amazon Affiliate Link.

How to create an Amazon Affiliate Link.

Access your personal Associate directly from the Amazon homepage.

You will be able to log in once you have created an Amazon Associate Account, of course, and become one of the Amazon Associates.

On this page you will find a dashboard to observe all of your products, your earnings, your sales, etc.

Within your Associate Account you can create an Amazon Affiliate Link.

First you can decide whether to use “Quick Links: Search for Product” or “Browse for Product”

Where’s the difference?

Quick Links: Search of Product > allows you to search for a product through a specific keyword.

Browse for Product > allows you to find a product through its category (digital music, kindle, beauty, etc.)

At this point you have to choose the product you wish to sponsor!

It’s also possible to earn 10% of the sales proceeds, not bad, isn’t it?

This percentage can change according to your country of origin, to give you an example in Italy you can get up to 12%.

Even the type of sponsored and sold product can lead to different percentages.

5% for Digital Music & Video

8% for Kindle

10% for Beauty-Products

However, we recommend you to choose a product that you know and that you can sell as much as possible, not only for the earning percentages!

To finally create your Amazon Affiliate Link you must:

Choose the product you want to promote.

Click the “Get Link” button

You will be able to personalize and customize your link.

Copy the HTML code and you will get your Amazon Affiliate Link.

What to do after obtaining the Amazon Affiliate Link.

As an Amazon Associates you must try to post and publish your affiliate links as much as possible!

Advertise and sponsor it in every way to get as many sales as possible.

More visits and conversions will result in more final gain for you.

You can share the link via email, on social media, and also on your website.

This is mainly about it.

Amazon simply gives you the opportunity to sell one of its products on which you will then get a percentage of the final profit.

But the bulk of the work will have to be done by you, with inventiveness, strategy and tools.

There are obviously many strategies to better share Affiliate Links.

JotURL can offer many services to make you get excellent results.

Let’s see together how to make the most of an Amazon Affiliate Link.

JotURL & Affiliate Links

JotURL is a SAAS (Software as a Service) that can provide many features to make the most of all your links.

A good trick to push users to interact with your content (in this case the Amazon Affiliate Link) is to associate a link to a CTA.

With JotURL it is very easy to do it.

Just create a Tracking Link within the Joturl Dashboard and decide which CTA template is the most suitable for you.

An example?

The button template is very useful to push people to buy your product.

On your website, all you have to do is insert the JotURL tracking link to which you have linked a CTA.

The button can be positioned within the page as you wish, also the color of the button, the font and the text can be totally customizable in the JotURL editor.

Once the CTA button is pressed, the user can be redirect to a specific landing page.

Please be aware that Amazon pages are not embaddable, this means that you will not be able to create CTAs directly on Amazon’s pages.

What you can do is: create a CTA that refers to a third-party landing page where you can advertise the product you want to sell.

Just think of all those sites that deal with writing product reviews or insights into an article you want to sell.

Very often affiliate marketing makes use of third-party valuable content to entice users to purchase.

It’s on this kind of pages that you will have to enter your CTA and then redirect them directly to the Amazon product, perhaps creating CTAs with a text similar to the following:

“Order by May 27th to get 20% OFF”
“Take three, pay only two!”

You must find the most suitable sales strategy to advertise the product.

CTAs with engaging messages can greatly increase user interaction with your content and lead to more conversions.

Remember that every conversion will result in more profit for you.

JotURL offers several Call To Action templates, not just the button template. You could also create a form, a Social Opt-in, a template text and more. The possibilities are truly limitless.

With the new CTA Social Opt-in XL you could even obtain a lead first, through data acquisition immediately after the click, and then send it to the purchase page, taking the most out of the JotURL features to get every possible advantage.

And that’s just one of the strategies you could use with JotURL.

In fact, this tool offers a wide range of possibilities.

Deep linking is also a very powerful tool to reach many users.

More and more people rely on us for their marketing strategies.

Deep linking is one of the most used strategies in affiliate marketing and associates program.

In fact many users use the Easy Deep Linking feature on our platform not only to drive their visitors seamless to the Amazon App, but also to the Ebay, Facebook, AliExpress, Wallmart, Instagram, Tik Tok… and many other Apps, thus improving the mobile user experience, the acquisition funnel and the related conversion rates.

Deep linking is mainly used to share links or content on phones.

You can create a deep link associated with your Affiliate Links to redirect users directly within the Amazon App, without having to open it or log in to observe and analyze your product.

JotURL offers the possibility of creating a Deep Link through Easy Deep Link, a simplified feature that makes the creation of Deep Links very convenient.

If you want to know more about how to best track Affiliate Links we recommend you read this article!

Also you might be interested to know how to add a Facebook Retargeting Pixel to Amazon Product pages.


JotURL can be a winning ally for your Marketing campaigns, even when it comes to spreading and advertising as much as possible an Amazon Affiliate Link.

One of its strengths is that it tracks all the links it creates.

CTAs can also be tracked, as well as the Deep Links we talked about earlier.

Even Retargeting Pixels, conversions and QR Codes made through JotURL can be tracked.

Analytics are recorded within the JotURL App and can provide you with really useful data.

By comparing, analyzing and reworking the data collected, you will be able to understand which of your strategies is working best and find ways to make your time, ideas and commitment even more fruitful.

And now that you know these things?

Look for the solution that’s right for you and share all the affiliate links you can.


JotURL Team.



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