E-commerce link building strategies are the strategies that one creates for getting links to and from an online store. This links building an important part of an SEO strategy for online businesses. It generally involves getting third-party links on other web pages, content, or blogs. This helps in boosting SEO and improves organic traffic over time.
A perfect SEO strategy should have link strategies with different types of links. In this article, we would be talking about how to create deep links in E-commerce Product Pages.
Strategies to Create Deep Links in E-Commerce Product Pages
One can apply different strategies to create deep links in an E-Commerce Product Page. Some of these strategies are as follows:
1. Become a Niche Influencer
After you begin establishing your brand through high-value content, make sure to start spreading that expertise on the web. Reach out to well-known blogs within that niche with the help of guest post ideas. This acts as a great link building strategy for your website or blog. Guest posts establish one as an influencer to the readers of that site and also helps in offering opportunities for high-value e-commerce link building.
2. Take Advantage of the Power of Video
Video can be considered as the king of content as well as social engagement. It helps in increasing backlinks as videos can be used in a variety of different ways for driving traffic to the online store. Besides posting videos on your blog or social media platforms, you can also upload your videos on channels such as YouTube. This helps in creating evergreen content, such as informative how-to guides. This can help in getting more video embeds to similar other websites in the same niche.
Additionally, putting video content on the website can have huge advantages for SEO. Video content helps in increasing the time that a site visitor spends on your web page. This contributes to page quality and relevance.
3. Engage and Socialize
The social media platforms are the bread and butter for the backlinks. This includes creating social profiles that have relevant links to the online store. One should also include these links in the profiles and descriptions of the cover image. One should also add links to the contact page through the ‘about’ section or the profiles of your social media accounts.
Forums such as Reddit and Quora have good traffic opportunities. Even if the links are no-follow links, one needs to have a variety of links to signal authenticity to Google. These forums offer such links in a big way. Well-placed links can help in driving a lot of E-commerce traffic.
Social media links also allow one to engage with different users who want answers to specific questions related to the same niche. This gives you a platform for showing off as an expert. By adding links in blog content, guides, or product pages, one can show off their niche authority to millions of visitors who go through the question.
4. Convert Mentions to High-Value Backlinks
If a blogger, influencer, or brand mentions your store in their content, it can act as a considerable backlink opportunity for your online store. It can be a good idea to approach these people with a request to include a link with a mention.
Before making a request, one needs to make sure that the brand is mentioned in a positive light. One should also ensure that the website that is linked is reputable. This ensures that the links are working for you and not against you. If a backlink is unwelcome, you should contact the website’s webmaster and ask the website to remove the link.
5. Partner with Influencers
Partnering with influencers is another important strategy for link building for online sellers. By working along with influencers in different content streams for highlighting specific products, one can easily create some valuable backlinks to product pages. Influencers can help in generating better backlinks for an online store. The influencer mentions also help in building brand awareness with better content reach and engagement. This also helps in improving the SEO standing while helping you reach new and potential customers in your niche segment.
Also, make sure that you search for high-authority domains relevant to your store. This is because the authority and quality of the websites are the top factors for search engine ranking. Influencers can be social media influencers, bloggers, celebrities, thought leaders, industry experts, as well as popular brand blogs.
6. Strategic Deep Linking
One needs a variety of links to specific categories, product pages, as well as specific blog content pages. This is also known as deep links. These deep links are helpful for internal, outbound as well as backlink strategies. These help in improving the SERP ranking for the whole website. This also ensures that Google identifies your online store authority and creates enough conversion opportunities from high-ranking pages.
7. Upgrade Your UX Design
In case you want your online store to be linked to, make sure that your website is link-worthy. This means that one needs to upgrade the online store for generating more links and shares. There different ways of tweaking the E-Commerce UX and one should concentrate on creating deep link pages first. This ensures that product and category pages are link-worthy as well as shareable. For promoting this organically, the product or category pages need to be:
- In the voice of the brand and unique
- Optimized for SEO
- Free of mistakes and well-designed
8. Fix Broken Links
It is quite important to track the backlinks and ensure that they are working. Fixing broken links is an important part of link management practices. For doing this, one should be able to check the links regularly and ensure that they are not damaging your efforts on building links. Searching for and requesting any broken links can turn out to be a consuming task. A tool such as Ahrefs is effective for streamlining the search.
The above was a list of the top link building strategy 2020 that can help you in ranking better and reaching more E-Commerce traffic.
By Dileep O
PS: If you want discover more information about Deep Links read our article: Mobile Deep Linking.