Sep 8, 2020 | Deep Linking, JotURL
Deep Linking is an operation increasingly used within multimedia campaigns. And precisely for this reason, the demand for Deep Linking Free is increasingly growing. Deep Linking is no longer a secondary choice, but one of the main tools that allow mobile marketing to...Sep 3, 2020 | Conversions, Guest Post, JotURL
Hey, you—look at us! No—we want your attention! Don’t focus on them—see how much better we are! Though the average person might not be cognizant of it, this is exactly what it’s like online these days. Marketers are puppeteers, traffic directors, pilots, etc....Apr 23, 2020 | Conversions, JotURL, Tracking Links
Conversion tracking is essential to improve and boost your business and your activity. Any digital campaign, any marketing strategy needs tracking conversion to collect data on your company’s earnings. In this article you will find out everything you need to...Apr 9, 2020 | Lead Generation, JotURL
Understanding how to generate leads in the best possible way is an essential step for your marketing campaign. Lead generation is one of the most important steps for every person, or company, that tries to make success on the internet. Whether you are a large company...Feb 11, 2020 | JotURL, Retargeting, Tracking Links
This article will briefly explain why JotURL is the best PixelMe alternative, only 5 points from the checklist will be enough to convince you! What is PixelMe? What is the best PixelMe Alternative? PixelMe is a tool that allows you to shorten URLs and add some...